Embrace Your Evolution

Step Into What’s Possible

What got you here will not get you there.

Being a leader isn’t easy, especially now. You’re a smart, conscientious professional who cares deeply about developing those around you, yet the complexity of today’s challenges can feel overwhelming. We’re in a time where grit and hard work alone aren’t enough; overcoming this kind of individual and collective overload requires a new level of vision, intention and resilience.

Whether you’re stepping up in a new role or simply seeking clarity in your current path, now is the time to be intentional about the impact you want to make and the way you want to lead. Let’s work together to find clarity and purpose, and elevate your presence so you can lead with confidence; all while creating the life you deserve right now.

Now, breathe. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, I promise.

How it Works

Wildly Rising coaching engagements are holistic, intensely personal and designed for lasting transformation.

The Journey

  • Introduction, an initial call & Getting Started package

  • Deep Discovery Work, with customized questionnaire & assessments*

  • Ongoing Coaching Sessions, with 60-minute sessions every 2 weeks

  • Personalized Development Plan, to set clear goals & track progress

  • Manager Alignment Meetings**, to ensure clarity among stakeholders

  • Extra Support Between Sessions, via email, text, power calls

  • Customized Homework & Resources, to deepen the learning

  • Continuous Evaluation, to celebrate the wins & adjust when necessary


  • Starts at 6 months and, in most cases, continues

  • 1 or 2 Day Intensives are also available

*Assessments may include Leadership Circle Profile™ 360 or Self-Assessment, Predictive Index™, Enneagram, Strengths, Values, Dare to Lead™, EQi or others.

** Manager Alignment Meetings are for Organization-sponsored engagements only

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” — Albert Einstein

Common Focuses for Leadership Coaching

Cultivate courage, readiness and an unwavering belief in one’s self

Balanced vitality that fosters sustainable success and long-term health

Develop and leverage key relationships for career advancement and personal satisfaction

Increase awareness of personal values, strengths, motivation, impact and blind spots

Executive Presence
Amplify power through voice, visibility and leadership presence

Time & Energy Management
Define and balance priorities within work life and well-being

Get crystal clear on vision, purpose and strategic career/life plan

Master more effective language for healthy conflict, negotiation and influence

Embrace insights for growth; Release paralyzing perfectionism

It was my biggest year of growth and change EVER! You helped me get unstuck and change patterns of thought and behavior that held me back for decades.

Peggy Foley, (Former) Board President at Woman to Woman Kentuckiana