Discover the Difference
Strong Leadership Makes

Doing nothing will cost more than you think.

Under-developed leadership can take a heavy toll on organizations; draining resources through high turnover, lost productivity, and costly mistakes.

Wildly Rising partners with organizations to deliver tailored leadership development that helps you attract, cultivate, and retain exceptional leaders. Imagine a workplace where teams are confident, clear, and fully aligned with your strategic vision.

Move beyond putting out fires and start building a legacy. As your leadership team thrives, you can refocus on the visionary work that drives lasting success and sets a new standard for your organization’s future.

How It Works

Wildly Rising provides the tools & guidance to deepen engagement, accelerate growth and elevate leadership

Common Challenges and Opportunities

  • Feeling pain, drain and frustration from ineffective leadership & poor communication

  • Struggling with lack of direction, clarity of roles, accountability or systems

  • Elevating leaders who are good, but with specialized support, you know could be great

  • Ensuring transition success for new leaders or high performers moving into new roles

  • Building a strong foundation with solid systems, processes and highly competent leaders for a brand new team or organization

What’s Included

  • Determine Big Vision for success for the organization or team

  • Assess Needs to get to the real root of the challenge

  • Recommend Solutions and find the perfect fit for your budget and goals

  • Administer Assessments for leaders and team to garner baseline data

  • Provide Expert Facilitation through individual/group coaching, workshops and/or retreats

  • Measure & Evaluate progress and success; adjusting as needed

Although I am a company of one, I embrace large, multi-faceting projects. In addition to my transformational work with leaders and teams, I have a deep bench of other specialized coaches, consultants and facilitators I partner with to create and execute the perfect solutions for your organization's needs.

Wildly Rising provides teams and organizations the tools & guidance to deepen engagement, accelerate growth and elevate leadership.

Organizational Alignment
Shared vision that enhances efficiency, engagement, and purpose

The Impacts of Team Development

Team Cohesion & Collaboration
Collective synergy that fuels innovation and accelerate outcomes

Clear, Kind, Direct Communication
Strengthens relationships, fosters teamwork and builds trust across the organization

Inspiring Vision
Creative, customer-focused solutions through innovative thinking and strategies

Adaptive Problem Solving
Enhanced agility and resourcefulness to address challenges creatively and drive effective solutions

Culture of Growth Mindset
More positive and expansive approach to challenges and opportunities

Powerful Presence
Instills confidence, credibility and connection, while amplifying influence

Grounded Resilience & Agility
Allows for calm navigations through the daily stressors of leadership (and life)

Inclusive Lens
Truly seeing, understanding and improving equity in the organization

The thing I have learned that has had the most impact on me is the amount of power I have within myself. I feel more in control and able to adapt to changes.

— Patty Cowley-Shireman, Director of Operations